A chat is worth a thousand PDFs.

Prodigy eliminates the need to scroll through endless pages of content. Just chat with your equipment!

icon__AI-Powered Assistance


Built on Azure OpenAI Services, Prodigy learns from users’ behavior and preferences and provides improved recommendations and guidance the more it’s used.

icon__Ease of Use

Easy to use

Frontline workers can use natural language from any device to ask questions or solicit insights about their equipment, machines, and environment.

icon__On-Demand Insights

On-demand insights

Frontline workers can learn and troubleshoot in real time to become proficient faster by reducing the need for human intervention to answer commonly asked questions.

Get started


Submit form

Click the button below and complete the form, attaching your PDF documents (e.g. non-sensitive training or instruction manuals for a piece of equipment)


Click link

We’ll send you the link to your custom Prodigy website within 24 hours. Note: the link is public and unsecure. The paid version of Prodigy is secure and will be deployed behind a firewall.


Chat away

Share the URL with your team and start chatting with your equipment.

Enterprise features

The full-featured version of Prodigy will include powerful management and security features.


PDF upload tool (no file size limit)


Secure site access, single sign-on, and access controls


Content approval workflows


Analytics and reporting

The intelligent learning platform

Prodigy is a component of Altoura’s intelligent learning platform©, an AI-powered platform that unlocks the vast potential of hard-to-access PDF instructions and legacy videos, offering instant, on-demand, contextual answers with visual animations akin to an always up-to-date YouTube DIY video.

The Transformative Power of AI in Learning

Already the market-leading immersive training platform for industrial work, Altoura is bringing the power of AI to the front lines. Altoura transforms how technical skills training is created and consumed with the goal to dramatically reduce the time and effort required to build scalable training programs.
